Home / Foundation for a house / Akathist to the Mother of God deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted. Prayer to the icon of the mother of God deliverance from troubles

Akathist to the Mother of God deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted. Prayer to the icon of the mother of God deliverance from troubles

An old Russian Orthodox tradition says that the icon of the Theotokos the Deliverer from troubles, the text of which describes the miracles that took place through prayer at this holy icon, helps everyone who comes to her to get rid of even the most, it would seem,. It is believed that there are no such diseases, the healing of which would not be subject to prayers before the icon of the Redeemer from troubles of the Most Pure Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and everyone who has lost hope of receiving salvation from earthly doctors reads the akathist. This solemn hymn not only praises the Mother of God, but also describes the circumstances of the glorification of Her miraculous image, as well as how it came to Russia.

Prayer to the Mother of God, the Redeemer from the troubles of the afflicted, helps in various everyday sorrows

The history of the Mother of God Icon of the Redeemer from Troubles, whose prayer is included in almost any book of akathists, begins in 1841. At that time, the holy image belonged to a former resident of one of the Athos monasteries, monk Martinian. The area in which he lived was suddenly invaded by locusts, and only a prayer before the image of the Redeemer helped get rid of him. This incident glorified the icon throughout the province, and pilgrims began to come to the elder.

The text of the Akathist to the Mother of God, the Deliverer from Troubles, says that Martinian, not accustomed to such a huge number of visitors who wanted to pray before the miraculous image, could not stand it and returned to Athos, taking the icon of the Mother of God with him.

You can also read the prayer of the Mother of God to the Deliverer of troubles in case of despondency and despair

The Akathist to the Mother of God the Deliverer from Troubles tells that before his death, Martinian bequeathed to transfer the icon to the Russian New Athos Monastery. History testifies that once after the service in honor of this miraculous image, which was held in the Simono-Kananitsky monastery, a huge amount of fish was thrown onto the seashore near the monastery.

The family of Emperor Alexander III, who survived the railway accident, also received help from the Orthodox prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, the Redeemer from troubles. In honor of this miraculous salvation, the celebration of the image was established, annually celebrated on October 30th.

Listen to the video prayer to the Mother of God the Redeemer from troubles

Read the text of the prayer of the Mother of God Deliverer from troubles

O Mother of God, our help and protection, wake up, we trust in You and always whole-heartedly call on You, have mercy and help, have mercy and deliver, incline Your ear and accept our sorrowful and tearful prayers, and as if you wish to calm and rejoice us who love Your beloved Son, to Him be glory, honor and worship, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Christian text of the Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the icon of the Redeemer from Troubles

Rebuke our enemy to embitter us and excommunicate us from our Lord, of course, and teach us to sing to You, Mother of God, cheerfully:

There are many angels, according to Your, our Mother, by command, they encroach on our deliverance menacingly, but You accept this prayer:

Rejoice, sending angels to our salvation; Rejoice, Queen of the high ranks, granting us their heavenly help.

Rejoice, commanding us with an angel; Rejoice, defeating our enemies with the army of angels.

Rejoice, from grief, troubles and death, saving us, the needy Redeemer.

Those who are in distress see your great and many help to those who heartily call upon you and are instructed to sing unceasingly to your Son: Alleluia.

Many will understand that Thy Son, the Redeemer of the needy, has given Thee the world, the same we sing to Thee:

Rejoice, distressed Mother; Rejoice, consolation to the afflicted.

Rejoice, healing of the sick; Rejoice, unreliable hope.

Rejoice, from grief, troubles and death, saving us, the needy Redeemer.

The power of the Most High was given to Ty to help and save the world and us, perishing in troubles. And who is not delivered by You, and who does not sing to Your Son: Alleluia.

Having an incomprehensible love for the human race, which sighs you did not accept, which tears you did not wipe away, and whom did you not force to invoke Thee? Also, receive this praise from us:

Rejoice, quick hearing of the distressed; Rejoice, well-known salvation of the perishing.

Rejoice, sad and mournful consolation; Rejoice, liberation of the captives.

Rejoice, from grief, troubles and death, saving us, the needy Redeemer.

A storm of misfortunes is flying upon us, save us who are perishing, save, our Redeemer, the storm of ruin on the lands of the One who tamed the one who showed us and accepts our song: Alleluia.

Hearing humanity give birth to all Your wondrous love for Christians and Your powerful deliverance of them from all those who are fierce on them, having learned to sing to You:

Rejoice, deliverance from troubles of the human race; Rejoice, cessation of the storms of life.

Rejoice, despondent chasing away; Rejoice, giver of joy in sorrow to us.

Rejoice, from grief, troubles and death, saving us, the needy Redeemer.

Like a godly star, you disperse darkness and darkness in sin-loving hearts, so that in the light of your love they will see the Lord and sing to Him: Alleluia.

Seeing the people of Russia, Your deliverance, not expected from many different troubles, joyfully sing to You:

Rejoice, our helper in troubles; rejoice, sorrow for our taking away.

Rejoice, driving away our sorrows; Rejoice, consolation in our sorrows.

Rejoice, from grief, troubles and death, saving us, the needy Redeemer.

They preach Your help and Your love, Mother, healing, consolation, joy and salvation by You from troubles and sing to Your high-powered Son: Alleluia.

Raise to us the light of salvation in the darkness of perdition that surrounds us, and instruct us to sing to You, the Lady:

Rejoice, enlightening darkness of our souls; Rejoice, consuming sinful darkness.

Rejoice, encouraging the soul with the light of joy; Rejoice, dispersing the darkness of sin.

Rejoice, from grief, troubles and death, saving us, the needy Redeemer.

Whoever wants us to surrender to final despair, from everywhere to troubles, think of Thee, the Redeemer, and be encouraged and comforted, singing to Your Son: Alleluia.

Thou hast shown us Thy mercy new and unexpected, taking us under Thy sovereign hand, and from everywhere crying out to Thee, Mother of God:

Rejoice, sovereign queen: rejoice, and you have accepted us under your power.

Rejoice, granting us Thy protection; Rejoice, thou who struck down our enemies.

Rejoice, from grief, troubles and death, saving us, the needy Redeemer.

A strange miracle: doomed to perdition and languishing in countless needs, suddenly they receive salvation and deliverance from You, singing to God: Alleluia.

All who are in the darkness of sorrows, all who are overwhelmed by misfortunes with a storm, come to a good haven and our help, the cover of the Virgin Redeemer, crying out to Her:

Rejoice, source of joys; rejoice, sadness is the expulsion.

Rejoice, deliverance from troubles; Rejoice, giver of all peace.

Rejoice, from grief, troubles and death, saving us, the needy Redeemer.

The whole human being praises Thee, all sing of Thee, bringing them many different deliverances, instead of sorrows, giving joy to those who sing to Your Son and God: Alleluia.

Vitii of great wisdom is insane, seeing Your quick, miraculous deliverance from the misfortunes of the suffering, and silenced us singing Ty:

Rejoice, you who surprised the world with miracles; Rejoice, fortifying us with miracles.

Rejoice, you who destroyed godlessness with miracles; Rejoice, thou who hast put to shame the enemies by the power of God.

Rejoice, from grief, troubles and death, saving us, the needy Redeemer.

At least save every human soul, care for it with all your love, until you teach me to sing to Your Son: Alleluia.

Protecting the Christian world with a wall and protecting every soul from enemies, Your icon appears, Redeemer, in the Orthodox world and glorified miracles, singing to You by the people of God:

Rejoice, our mentor; rejoice, our redeemer.

Rejoice, our joy; Rejoice, our eternal joy.

Rejoice, from grief, troubles and death, saving us, the needy Redeemer.

We unceasingly bring singing to Thee, the Lady, by Thee delivered and found, and to Your Divine Son, singing joyfully: Alleluia.

As a radiant luminary in the darkness of sin, Thy icon appears to us, Redeemer, instructing us to sing to You:

Rejoice, delivering us from hunger; Rejoice, driving away harmful nature from plants.

Rejoice, saving crops and forests and everything that grows from perdition; Rejoice, consolation of the grieving farmers and their blessing of labor.

Rejoice, from grief, troubles and death, saving us, the needy Redeemer.

The grace from your icon, the Deliverer, flowing, giving healing jets and enlivening hearts with joy, encourages everyone to sing, Mother, Your Son and God: Alleluia.

We sing of healing, from Thy holy icon, we sing most of all the resurrection of Anastasia the lad and sing hymns:

Rejoice, resurrecting the dead; Rejoice, resurrecting the dead heart.

Rejoice, taking away from death and eternal fire; Rejoice, our posthumous hope and protection.

Rejoice, from grief, troubles and death, saving us, the needy Redeemer.

O all-singing, all-loving Mother! Have mercy now and have mercy, delivering us in the fierce and hopeless sorrows that exist, teach us to heartily sing to God, who forgives us: Alleluia.

/This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos and the 1st kontakion/

Troparion of the Mother of God Deliverer from troubles,

Like a bright star, asking Divine miracles for Your holy image, Redeemer, illuminating the rays of Your grace and mercy in the nights of existing sorrows. Grant us, O All-Blessed Virgin, deliverance from troubles, healing of mental and physical ailments, salvation and great mercy.

Kontakion, tone 8

To your icon, the Most Holy Lady, who have fallen into poverty with faith, by your intercession you will be delivered from the evil, but, like the Mother of Christ God, free us from cruel circumstances, temporary and eternal, let us call Thee: rejoice, our Redeemer from all troubles.

Magnification of the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, Deliverer of Troubles

We magnify Thee, Blessed Virgin, God-chosen Otrokovitsa, and honor Your holy image, and bring healing to all who flow with faith.

Icon of the Mother of God

Celebration on the Sunday of All Saints

More than two centuries ago, the peasant Fedot Alekseevich Obukhov lived in the village of Bor. He was a pious man who loved to donate money to decorate his native church. Once, on the day of the Epiphany of the Lord, on the way from the city of Bolkhov, he was overtaken by a terrible blizzard with severe frost. Soon the road was completely covered. The horse was exhausted and stopped at an impassable ravine. In the cold, Obukhov is completely chilled. Seeing no means of salvation, he unharnessed his horse, wrapped himself up, lay down in the sleigh and began to fall asleep, not realizing that he was freezing. But even in these terrible moments, he managed to pray to the Mother of God, mentally vowing to paint Her icon “Search for the Lost.” In a neighboring village there lived a peasant, a friend of Obukhov. And in the howls of a blizzard, he suddenly heard someone's voice under the window: "Take it." Leaving the house, he saw his old friend Fedot Obukhov in the sleigh. Upon recovery, Obukhov immediately set about fulfilling his vow, commissioning the painter for the icon of the Mother of God "Searching for the Lost." When the icon was ready, he first brought it to his parental home, and from there he “transferred it on his head to his native temple. The Borsk icon became famous for blessed signs and miracles. After some time, other images of the “Search for the Dead” became known in Russia.

This icon Holy Mother of God located in the Nikolaevsky Arzamas convent.
The icon is self-updating. According to the sisters of the monastery in which she is located: “This miracle “began to be” already in 1997. The sisters remember that it was then that a bright spot appeared on the completely blackened icon, like a ray of sunshine, highlighting a small oval part of the icon measuring 10-15 cm. It was imprinted on the neck of the Mother of God and the hand of the Infant Savior touching her. The sisters remembered that it was in the middle of the summer of 2000 that this "solar glare" began to increase rapidly. And - lo and behold! As if someone is invisible from us in thin layers , as if with scales, took off all this blackness.
Gradually, the face of the Savior, the face of the Mother of God, was cleansed. The royal crown on the head of the Queen of Heaven is already visible, the blessing hand of the Savior, His legs resting on right hand His Mother, the colors of the clothes were determined. Moreover, everything did not manifest itself evenly and smoothly, as a human hand would have done, but precisely so that it was both obvious, and joyful, and comforting.
The name of the icon was illegible. One autumn, a Riga nun arrived and, looking at the icon, said with joy and trepidation that Angels were cleaning it. She was the first to presumably determine the name of the icon - "Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted." But only in the summer of 2001 we were able to reliably determine the name of the image from its already significantly cleared details.


Kondak 1

Rebuke our enemy to embitter us and excommunicate us from our Lord, and teach us to sing to You cheerfully:

Ikos 1

A multitude of angels, according to Your command, our Mother, oppose our deliverance menacingly, but accept this prayer:

Rejoice, sending angels to our salvation.

Rejoice, Queen of the high ranks, giving us their heavenly help.

Rejoice, commanding the angels to keep us.

Rejoice, defeating our enemies with the Host of Angels.

Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 2

Seeing those in distress, such and such help from Your heart to those calling You, instruct those to sing to Your Son unceasingly: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Many will understand that Thy Son is a gift, Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted, calling upon Thee:

Rejoice, poor mothers.

Rejoice, consolation to the afflicted.

Rejoice, hopeless hope.

Rejoice, helpless help.

Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 3

The power of the Most High gift to You to help and save the world, perishing in troubles, and whoever has been delivered by You, sings to Your Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having an incomprehensible love for the human race, you didn’t reject those tears, and you didn’t force him to call on You, blatantly:

Rejoice, quick hearing of the distressed.

Rejoice, deliverance of the captives.

Rejoice, swift salvation of the perishing.

Rejoice, sad and mournful consolation.

Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 4

A storm of misfortune is sweeping over us. Save us, the perishing, save, Deliverance from the misfortunes of the suffering, the storm of ruin on earth, taming and accepting our song: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing mankind, give birth to all Your wondrous love for Christians and Your powerful deliverance from all those who are fierce on them, having learned to sing to You:

Rejoice, deliverance from troubles of the human race.

Rejoice, persecutor of despondency.

Rejoice, cessation of the storms of life.

Rejoice, giver of joy in sorrow to us.

Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 5

Like a divine star, dispelling darkness and darkness in sin-loving hearts, so that in the light of Your love they will see the Lord and cry out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the people of Russia Your unexpected deliverance from various troubles, they joyfully sing to the song:

Rejoice, in our misfortunes Otyatelnitsa.

Rejoice, driving away our sorrows.

Rejoice, in sorrow is our consolation.

Rejoice, in joy is our abstinence.

Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 6

Preach Your help and Your love, Mati, all those healed, comforted, justified and saved by You from troubles and sing to Your Sovereign Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Ascend to us the light of salvation in the darkness of perdition that surrounds us, and instructed us to sing to You:

Rejoice, dispersing the darkness of sin.

Rejoice, destroyer of sinful darkness.

Rejoice, enlightening darkness of my soul.

Rejoice, encouraging my soul with the light of joy.

Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 7

Whoever wants us to end in despair to surrender to the troubles that are coming from everywhere, think about Thee, Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted, and be encouraged and comforted, singing to Your Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new and unexpected show of Thy mercy to us, taking us under the Sovereign hand of Thy, and from here we cry out to Thee:

Rejoice, Sovereign Queen.

Rejoice, having taken us under Your Power.

Rejoice, granting us Thy protection.

Rejoice, defeat of our enemies.

Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 8

A strange miracle - those doomed to death, languishing in need, countless suddenly receive salvation and deliverance from You, the All-Loving Mother, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All beings in the darkness of sorrows, all overwhelmed by a storm of misfortunes, come to a good haven and our help - the cover of the Virgin, Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted, crying out to Her:

Rejoice, delivering us from hunger.

Rejoice, you who drive away harmful nature from the plant world.

Rejoice, crops, and forests, and saving everything that grows from perdition.

Rejoice, consolation and blessed joy to the grieve farmers.

Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 9

The whole human being praises Thee, everyone sings to Thee, bringing many different deliverance to him and instead of sorrows, giving joy to those who sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vitii and polymath are insane, seeing Your quick, miraculous deliverance from the misfortunes of the suffering and silenced us, singing Ty:

Rejoice, having strengthened us with miracles.

Rejoice, you who destroyed troubles by miracles.

Rejoice, thou who didst enlighten us with miracles.

Rejoice, having rejoiced us with Thy icon.

Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 10

Save every human soul with love, care for it, until you teach me to sing to Your Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Protecting the Christian world with a wall and protecting every soul from enemies, find and manifest Your wondrous image, “Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted”, let us glorify it, bow down and become a flock to Your intercession, Mother of God, singing:

Rejoice, our Redeemer.

Rejoice, our teacher.

Rejoice, our joy.

Rejoice, our eternal joy.

Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 11

Unceasing singing brings Thee deliverance and Thee, who have found joy, joyfully sing to Thy Divine Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Your icon, “Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted,” appears to us as a luminous radiant luminary in the darkness of sin, the same we rejoice, sinners, having such a wonderful icon of Yours in our temple, as a pledge of Your goodwill towards us and to the Abode of our goodwill, and hoping for Your mother of prayer and their soon hearing, touchingly verb:

Rejoice, source of joy.

Rejoice, exile of sorrows.

Rejoice, reduction of troubles.

Rejoice, giver of all peace.

Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 12

The grace from Your icon, “Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted”, flowing, abundantly giving healing jets and enlivening hearts with joy, encourages everyone to sing about You, Mother, Your Son and God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

We sing of Your icon, a wondrous renewal, we sing of Your merciful on us, sinners, charity and, singing, we sing:

Rejoice, taking away from death and eternal fire.

Rejoice, resurrecting the dead.

Rejoice, our dying hope and protection.

Rejoice, our repose after death.

Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 13

Oh, All-beloved, our All-Beloved Mother, have mercy now and have mercy on us, in the fierce and hopeless misfortunes of those who exist, the One Existing One who delivers us, and teach us to heartily sing to God who saves us: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


Holy Mother of God, save us!

Mother of God, help and protection! Whenever we demand, be Deliverance to us, suffering and dying from fierce troubles, we trust in You and always whole-heartedly call on You to have mercy and help, have mercy and deliver us from the misfortunes of the suffering and perishing us, from the fierce nets of the evil one, incline Your ear, and our accept tearful, mournful prayers and, as if you wish, rest and rejoice us. Teach obedience to the Lord God to bring, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your nature, love your Son, the fruits of labor are worthy of bringing to Him. Die our hearts, so that in one Spirit and with all our deeds we glorify the Beginningless Father with His Only Begotten Son and with the Most Holy Good and Life-Giving Spirit, and Your merciful Maternal intercession, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.


Troparion, tone 4

Like a most luminous star, praying Divine miracles to Your holy image, illuminating Your rays of grace and mercy in the night of sorrows. Grant us also, All-good Virgin, Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted, healing of mental and bodily ailments, salvation and great mercy.

Kontakion, tone 8

To Your icon, the Most Holy Lady, those who are in need with faith flow, by Your intercession they are delivered from the evil, but like the Mother of Christ God and free us from cruel circumstances, temporary and eternal, let us call Thee: Rejoice, Deliverance of the suffering from all troubles.


We magnify Thee, Blessed Virgin, God-chosen Maiden, and we honor Your Holy Image, and we sharpen healings for all who flow with faith.

Chosen Voivode Victorious, delivering us from all troubles and turning sorrow into joy, as if we had got rid of the evil ones, with thanksgiving we will write down Your Tirabs, Mother of God. , let's call Ti:

The Creator of angels and human beings, seeing Your good will and compassion for the human race burdened with misfortunes, choosing as Merciful for all sinners to God the Intercessor and Good Deliverer from the misfortunes of the afflicted, and all those who have been delivered by You from misfortunes call You such:

Rejoice, Deliverance of the afflicted!

Rejoice, reconciliation of those who repent with God!

Rejoice, salvation of the most outrageous!

Rejoice, desperate immutable Hope!

Rejoice, quick and merciful resolution of insoluble circumstances!

Rejoice, Unexpected Joy of all blessings of fulfillment!

Rejoice, Merciful Lady, Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted!

Rejoice, Mother of mercy, deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted!

Seeing all those in distress, Your many-time intercession and merciful deliverance of all from the misfortunes of the afflicted, they are filled with joy, constantly singing to Your Son:


Understanding the misunderstood mind, looking for everyone in sorrows and evil circumstances, understanding Thee as the All-Merciful Intercessor and Redeemer from the troubles of the afflicted, they resort to Your omnipotent intercession, and finding deliverance from all troubles and sorrows for joy, finding change in You, they call Tisice:

Rejoice, Redeemer, saving from grief, misfortune and death!

Rejoice, comforting us in troubles with undoubted hope for God's help!

Rejoice, thou who admonishes and guides to salvation!

Rejoice, turning sorrow into joy for those who mourn!

Rejoice, bringing prayers to all who cry out to Your Son in sorrow!

Rejoice, turning all troubles, sorrows and sorrows to the glory of God!

Rejoice, Merciful Lady, Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted!

Rejoice, Mother of mercy, deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted!

By the power of the Most High, grace has been given to You to deliver from the misfortunes of the suffering, MatiDevo, and all salvation and deliverance from misfortunes that You have improved always sing:


Having truly invincible power and unspeakable mercy, you received the grace to deliver everyone from the misfortunes of those who suffer and cry out to You in sorrow, O our All-Merciful Lady, that all salvation and deliverance perfect from their sorrows, having perceived joy, are fulfilled and cry out to the Theotokos:

Rejoice, Deliverance of eternal death!

Rejoice, our peace of life!

Rejoice, saving from the passions of pernicious!

Rejoice, bringing peace to those souls of ours!

Rejoice, strengthening hope for God's mercy!

Rejoice, affirming all the faithful in God!

Rejoice, Merciful Lady, Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted!

Rejoice, Mother of mercy, deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted!

We are obsessed with the storm of troubles that come upon us in the many-sorrowful voyage of this life, truly the Ark of salvation and complete deliverance from troubles in You, O Lady, we cry to God for You:


Hearing all human births of Your wondrous love for Christians, as if you always deliver them from those who are fierce on them, according to Your verb, they truly please Thee, Mother of God, having learned to sing to Thee:

Rejoice, deliverance of all sorrow!

Rejoice, fulfillment of God's mercy!

Rejoice, outpouring of grace upon us sinners!

Rejoice, perfect knowledge of the will of God!

Rejoice, strengthening on the path of Christ!

Rejoice, destruction of eternal sorrow!

Rejoice, Merciful Lady, Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted!

Rejoice, Mother of mercy, deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted!

Like a divine star, Your icon appears, O Mistress, truly being Deliverance from misfortunes to those who suffer, and crying out in joy to God:


Seeing the people of the Russian land and all in evil circumstances resorting to You, O Lady, Your unexpected Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted, they joyfully sing to You:

Rejoice, deliverance of all sorrows!

Rejoice, fulfillment of our good desires!

Rejoice, bringer of Joy and Consolation!

Rejoice, giving hope to the most desperate!

Rejoice, captive Liberator!

Rejoice, Merciful Lady, Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted!

Rejoice, Mother of mercy, deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted!

They preach Your help and love, Mother, in consolation, healing and deliverance from troubles by You, for the sake of Your Son, singing:


Ascend to us your many-lighted icon, Mother of God, as the bright enlightenment of the Truth, who is our Lord Jesus Christ, who is Your image. Deliverance from the troubles of those who suffer mercifully to us, the same delivered the cry to the Mother of God:

Rejoice, saving from the darkness of death!

Rejoice, enlightening darkness of our souls!

Rejoice, you who consume the wickedness of this world of vanity!

Rejoice, leading to the Light of Truth!

Rejoice, encouraging all those who suffer in this sinful world with the hope of eternal blessings!

Rejoice, by the will of God to live in this evil age, diligently instructing us!

Rejoice, Merciful Lady, Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted!

Rejoice, Mother of mercy, deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted!

Although deliverance to all those who suffer from troubles is granted by Christ our True God in Your virgin womb, the Wonderful Deliverer of You is a gift to us. Thereby marveling at His inexpressible wisdom, we call:


New to us Tyadarov Savior and Redeemer from the troubles of the suffering, Your Son, but seeing Your all-merciful intercession and all those crying out to you in sorrow from troubles, salvation, sorrows and sorrows, and to the joy of their speedy and merciful transformation, let us sing to Thee, crying out:

Rejoice, salvation from the most terrible troubles!

Rejoice, resolution of all mournful circumstances!

Rejoice, offering of the prayers of all in sorrow crying out to God!

Rejoice, all sorrow for Christ for the sake of those who have endured troubles for the joy of change!

Rejoice, all-merciful fulfillment of God's mercy!

Rejoice, all worthy of Christ for the sake of those who have endured merciful retribution!

Rejoice, Merciful Lady, Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted!

Rejoice, Mother of mercy, deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted!

It is strange for the unbelieving sons of this vain and evil age to see how all are faithful, resorting to the intercession of the All-Merciful Lady Mother of Mercy, salvation perfect from troubles, deliverance from all sorrow and unexpected joy, crying out to Her Son:


Hanging in the darkness of the sorrows of this vain and many-troubled age, in the tempest of misfortunes all over the storm, we will come to a good shelter and reliable cover of the Virgin Deliverer, but from all troubles and sorrows, the speedy transformation has improved to joy, with all our hearts we cry out to Her:

Rejoice, Redeemer of all sorrow!

Rejoice, Savior from eternal perdition!

Rejoice, Compassionate One in sorrow!

Rejoice, Giver of hope to those who have lost all blessings!

Rejoice, thou who never puts to shame those who trust in Thee!

Rejoice, shameless end of life to all who hope for the Giver!

Rejoice, Merciful Lady, Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted!

Rejoice, Mother of mercy, deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted!

Every Christian soul knows Thee as a good Redeemer from the misfortunes of the afflicted, and placing firm hope in Your intercession, sings to Your Son and God:


The veterans of this age of little faith and much vanity are perplexed about You, Mother of God, how all the faithful, in the evil circumstances of their lives, resorting to You, consolation in sorrows, healing in illnesses, deliverance in troubles and sorrows for the joy of transfiguration by intercession to You, finding, they truly cry:

Rejoice, shaming the vain wisdom of this age!

Rejoice, mind affirming in God!

Rejoice, destroyer of evil undertakings!

Rejoice, turning sorrows to God!

Rejoice, those who care for the good of their neighbors, Good Co-worker!

Rejoice, diligent helper to all who help in trouble!

Rejoice, Merciful Lady, Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted!

Rejoice, Mother of mercy, deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted!

At least save the world and every soul of the suffering human of all, Savior to us TyaMati His like a good Deliverance from the troubles of suffering gifts, for this sake God hears from us:


Thou art a wall to all, O Theotokos, appear thy holy icons, among them even this image of thy deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted shines brightly, bringing the joy of salvation to all, and delivering them from all evil and sorrows for the joy of transfiguration by intercession to Thee, gaining from the soul cry to Thee:

Rejoice, salvation of the desperate!

Rejoice, satisfaction of sorrows!

Rejoice, consolation to those who mourn!

Rejoice, mourn for joy conversion!

Rejoice, Joy, Joy to the whole world!

Rejoice, Sweetness, Who has gladdened the whole world with Your Christmas!

Rejoice, Merciful Lady, Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted!

Rejoice, Mother of mercy, deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted!

We offer unceasing singing to Thee, Lady, by Thee we find deliverance from all troubles and sorrows, and to the joy of their transformation, for the sake of Your Son we cry out:


Light-receiving Light, in the darkness of troubles, Your icon appears to those who suffer, MatiDevo, who are suffering from troubles and praying before her, they resort to Your help, their sorrows and sorrows before You, pouring out the Comforter of those who mourn, deliverance from troubles, satisfaction of sorrows, finding consolation in sorrows and finding unexpected joy, sing Ti, honoring these titles:

Rejoice, saving from despair!

Rejoice, affirming all those who are discouraged by the hope of God's mercy!

Rejoice, turning sorrow into joy for all who are deprived of joy!

Rejoice, giving hope to all the desperate!

Rejoice, penalty for lost souls!

Rejoice, justification of repentant sinners before God!

Rejoice, Merciful Lady, Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted!

Rejoice, Mother of mercy, deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted!

Source of Grace Inexhaustible give, having desired grace, Giver to us of You, Your Mother as a gift, and the icons of those who have known the source of That grace, encourages everyone to sing:


Singing Thy Nativity and from Him deliverance from troubles to those who suffer, we praise Tyavsi, like an animated temple, Mother of God, we also honor Your icons, like the source of That grace, in Thy womb, dwelling in Your womb, hold the Lord with all your hands, sanctify, glorify and teach you to cry out to You all :

Rejoice, salvation from eternal perdition!

Rejoice, resurrection of the dead!

Rejoice, you who have deadened hearts with the dew of grace, reviving!

Rejoice, resurrection of those who have come to a new life from troubles in despair!

Rejoice, into the darkness of despair of those who have fallen from pernicious filth, the Repulsive One!

Rejoice, new meaning of life for all Christ for the sake of the suffering Giver!

Rejoice, Merciful Lady, Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted!

Rejoice, Mother of mercy, deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted!

Oh, our All-beloved and All-beloved Mother, Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted! Have mercy now and have mercy on us, in the fierce sorrows of this life, and deliver from all troubles and sorrows all those who cry out to the Savior who suffer for You:


This kontakion is said three times, according to this the 1st ikos Angel Creator and 1st kontakion ChosenVoivodoVictorious…

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted."

Oh, our All-Merciful Lady, who gave birth to the Creator and Savior of all, our Almighty Patroness and Redeemer from the misfortunes of the suffering! Our present prayer, brought to you in sorrow, graciously accept and bring to the throne of your Son Christ our God. Deliver us from every misfortune and sorrow and grant her conversion to joy, may we glorify Your Son and God and Your All-Merciful intercession to Him for us sinful intercession forever and ever. Amen.

The compiler of this text, Igor Khramov (Teselkin), like everyone else, is burdened with numerous sorrows, including from people who suppress the truth with untruth, and asks for prayers for himself and his loved ones:

About health r.B.

Valentina (w)

and all benefactors

and praying for us

About repose



Save you Lord!

The compiler of this text is in dire need of prayerful help in his work for the benefit of the Church and Russia, and in protection from people who actively impede this activity.

King David's prayer for petitions

Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God, fulfill my good petitions!

Prayer for those who pray

Igor Khramov Teselkin

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, remember everyone who, with Your fear and good disposition, reads this prayer (composed texts) and fulfill their good petitions (desires and aspirations) and have mercy on them and save us sinners. Amen!

I ask for prayers and brethren, workers and parishioners of St. Nicholas monastery and other servants of God, who constantly inspire me to new creativity:

Prayers for every petition

I ask for prayers for understanding. B Igor and Valentina (w)

I need your prayer help!

My activity on the Internet is limited! My links are blocked! My accounts and posts are being deleted! I, the compiler of the texts of akathists to the icons of the Mother of God “Igorevsky”, “The Word was flesh”, Kosma Saratov and many other prayer texts, for my literary activity are humiliated in every possible way, persecuted, threatened, according to the priests, “to imprison under a blue article - here you are martyrdom." I was deprived of all means of subsistence. Follow the links, take a look and draw your own conclusions. A request to all those who are not indifferent: if you liked the publication, please make a link!

My ill-wishers spread slanderous fabrications: allegedly my work is "condemned Orthodox Church". This is a vile lie: type in the search engine the name of the akathists to the icon of the Mother of God of Igor, Kosma of Saratov - they, like many others, are located or were until recently - after these publications - on the official websites of the Russian Orthodox Church - while the author is forced to live in poverty. Moreover, he is attacked for his work. See for yourself:

Apocalypse online deleted Or doomsday live

In 1997, two residents of Arzamas brought an icon, more precisely, a dark board, which one of them found in her barn, to the St. Nicholas Monastery. Then it was difficult to say whether it was an icon at all, since it was not possible to understand what was depicted on it. Obviously, therefore, the sisters of the monastery took it to the storeroom, where icons unsuitable for service are kept. Once the abbess of the monastery, Mother George, sorting out the storeroom, ordered that this icon be placed in a frame, hung in the church and pray to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of it. The inhabitants of the monastery began to turn to the Queen of Heaven in front of this image, asking for help in their various needs. Soon, a bright spot appeared on the completely blackened board, as if with a sunbeam illuminating a small oval part of the icon - the neck of the Mother of God and the arm of the Infant. In the middle of the summer of 2000, the icon began to be intensively updated, as if someone invisible was removing blackness in thin layers: the faces of the Mother of God and the Savior appeared. That's just the name of the icon to make out, it was not possible.

Once a Riga nun came to St. Nicholas Monastery. Seeing the icon, she happily said that Angels were cleaning it, and suggested that this was the face of the Mother of God "Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted." Then none of the sisters did not betray this value. And only in the summer of 2001 the inscription was cleared.

When the number of pilgrims coming to this icon began to increase, the monastery decided to move it to a more accessible place. The sisters who carried the icon noticed that the paint layer of the icon was practically crumbling - the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary exudes the tree itself.

Every week, except for Great Lent, an akathist is read in front of the icon of the Mother of God "Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted". Many miracles have been recorded through prayers before the icon of the Mother of God "Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted." The monastery has a notebook where parishioners write down their stories of miraculous deliverance from illnesses and troubles. In addition, about 3000 letters come to the monastery every year with requests to pray in front of this icon.

About the icon of the Mother of God "Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted"

(celebration on the Sunday of All Saints)

“Deliver us from troubles, Mother of God pure, eternal

giving birth to deliverance, and peace to every mind"

(from the prayer canon to the Most Holy Theotokos)

This miracle "began to be" since 1997. The sisters remember that it was then that a bright spot appeared on the completely blackened icon, like a ray of sunlight that illuminated a small oval part of the icon measuring 10-15 cm. It was imprinted on the neck of the Mother of God and the hand of the Infant Savior touching her. The sisters remembered that it was in the middle of the summer of 2000 that this "sunlight" began to increase rapidly. And - O miracle! It was as if someone, invisible from us, was filming all this blackness in thin layers, like scales. Gradually, the face of the Savior, the face of the Mother of God, was cleansed. The royal crown on the head of the Queen of Heaven is already visible, the blessing hand of the Savior, His legs, resting on the right hand of His Mother, determined the colors of the clothes. Moreover, everything did not manifest itself evenly and smoothly, as a human hand would have done, but precisely so that it was both obvious, and joyful, and comforting this miracle of God.

The name of the icon was illegible. One autumn, a Riga nun arrived and, looking at the icon, said with joy and trepidation that Angels were cleaning it. She was the first to presumably determine the name of the icon - "Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted." But at that time, none of us remembered him. Only in the summer of 2001, we were able to reliably determine the name of the image from its already significantly cleared details. We found the first information about this icon in the book “Tales of the Earthly Life of the Mother of God” (Published in Russian on Athos by Panteleimonov Mon. M., 1904, p. 275).

"To Thee, O Holy Mother,

I, the poor slave of sins,

With sorrow and tears

I have come under your protection."

(Arch. Nikolai (Guryanov) from Zalit Island)

We've had a difficult time. We came to the monastery from a godless world with destroyed ideals, with an almost killed faith in God. It was not customary in him to honor elders, to obey, he was brought up to think about himself, that you are “something” very significant. Unfortunately, we absorbed all this and with such proud, crippled souls came to work for the Lord. It can be hard for us and sometimes it begins to seem that we are not to blame for everything, but this place itself is somehow not a monastery. Then sometimes you almost reach despair. And then the Mother of God appeared. By her appearance, She calms us, consoles us and reminds us that this place is God-given, under Her Protection and intercession. She, like a mother, comforts us so that we do not despair. Yes, it is difficult to overcome the enemy both from the outside and within oneself - but She is with us, She loves us as we are, because it is precisely such that she gathered us here, to this holy monastery under Her Protection and the prayerful intercession of the servant of God - St. Nicholas . And She will not leave us with Her help, intercession, intercession before Her Son, and - we know - she will help and save us from troubles, suffering and flowing to Her wondrous image.

“We magnify Thee, Blessed Virgin, God-chosen Maiden,

and we honor Your Holy Image, which sharpened healing

to all who flow with faith.”

Our monastery is located near the village of Diveevo. Pilgrims, returning from the Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery, tired of sleepless nights, the road and prayerful labors, usually stopped by for a short time. They handed notes, kissed the icons in the church and hurried to the bus - rather home to their usual duties. And the pilgrims had nothing more to show in the monastery: there were narrow passages around the Church of the Epiphany, and building materials to the right and left, everywhere traces of construction and our grief - the destroyed walls of St. Nicholas Church, which we cannot yet "lift" with our own forces. But then the Mother of God turned the eyes of the suffering, tired and hurrying people on Herself. Now they are rushing with joy to the lower church, consecrated in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow (with pennies)", where the evening monastic rule takes place daily. Although they are in a hurry, they find time to venerate the wondrous image, they read with joy and sing to Mother God's Akathist. And if at this time the lamp near the icon emits a fragrance, they rejoice like children. Recently, parishioners and pilgrims have not disregarded this wonderful image: they ask for icons and Akathist for private reading.

We are glad that their and our prayers have been heard - with God's help the publication has been successful. We thank, we wish God's help and salvation to all those who participated in the publication of the Akathist.

Please send information about the grace-filled help from the icon of the Mother of God "Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted" to the address:

607220, Nizhny Novgorod region, city of Arzamas, Cathedral Square, 1, Arzamas St. Nicholas Convent.

Akathist to the Icon of the Mother of God "Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted"

Kondak 1

Forbid our enemies to embitter us and excommunicate us from our Lord, and teach us to sing to You cheerfully:

Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Ikos 1

Kondak 2

Seeing those in need of such and such help from Your heart to those who call on You, they instruct those who sing to Your Son unceasingly: Hallelujah.

Ikos 2

Many will understand that Thy Son is a gift, Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted, calling upon Thee: Rejoice, distressed Mother. Rejoice, consolation to the afflicted. Rejoice, hopeless hope. Rejoice, helpless help. Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 3

The power of the Most High gift of You to help and save the world, perishing in troubles, and whoever has been delivered by You, sings to Your Son: Hallelujah.

Ikos 3

Having an incomprehensible love for the human race, which tears you did not reject, and you did not force him to call on you, blatantly: Rejoice, quick hearing of those in need. Rejoice, deliverance of the captives. Rejoice, swift salvation of the perishing. Rejoice, sad and mournful consolation. Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 4

A storm of misfortune is sweeping over us. Save us, the perishing, save, Deliverance from the misfortunes of the suffering, the storm of ruin on earth, taming and accepting our song: Hallelujah.

Ikos 4

Hearing mankind give birth to all Your wondrous love for Christians and Your powerful deliverance from all those who are fierce on them, learning to sing to You: Rejoice, Deliverance of the human race from troubles. Rejoice, persecutor of despondency. Rejoice, cessation of the storms of life. Rejoice, giver of joy to us in sorrow. Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 5

Like a divine star, dispelling darkness and darkness in sin-loving hearts, so that in the light of Your love they will see the Lord and cry out to Him: Hallelujah.

Ikos 5

Seeing the people of Russia Your unexpected deliverance from various misfortunes, they joyfully sing to the mother: Rejoice, in our misfortunes to the Reaver. Rejoice, driving away our sorrows. Rejoice, in sorrow is our consolation. Rejoice, in joy is our abstinence. Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 6

Preach Your help and Your love, Mother, all healed. comforted, justified and saved by Thee from troubles and sing to Thy Sovereign Son: Hallelujah.

Ikos 6

Ascend to us the light of salvation in the darkness of perdition that surrounded us, and instructed us to sing to You: Rejoice, dispelling the darkness of sin. Rejoice, destroyer of sinful darkness. Rejoice, enlightening darkness of my soul. Rejoice, encouraging my soul with the light of joy. Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 7

Whoever wants us to end in despair to indulge in troubles from everywhere, think about Thee, Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted, and be encouraged and comforted, singing to Your Son: Hallelujah.

Ikos 7

A new and unexpected show of Thy mercy to us, taking us under Thy Sovereign hand, and from here we cry out to You: Rejoice, Sovereign Queen. Rejoice, having taken us under Your Power. Rejoice, granting us Thy protection. Rejoice, defeat of our enemies. Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 8

A strange miracle to perdition doomed, languishing in need, countless sudden salvation and deliverance receive from You, the All-loving Mother, singing to God: Hallelujah.

Ikos 8

All who are in the darkness of sorrows, all overwhelmed by a storm of misfortunes, come to a good refuge and our help - the cover of the Virgin, Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted, crying out to Her: Rejoice, delivering us from hunger. Rejoice, you who drive away harmful nature from the plant world. Rejoice, crops and forests, and saving everything that grows from death. Rejoice, consolation and blessed joy to the grieve farmers. Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 9

The whole human being praises Thee, everyone sings to Thee, bringing many different deliverance to him and instead of sorrows, giving joy, singing: Hallelujah.

Ikos 9

Vitii and polymath are insane, seeing Your quick, miraculous deliverance from the misfortunes of the suffering and silenced us singing Ty: Rejoice, having strengthened us with miracles. Rejoice, you who destroyed troubles by miracles. Rejoice, thou who didst enlighten us with miracles. Rejoice, having rejoiced us with Thy icon. Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 10

At least save every human soul with love, care for it, until you learn to sing to Your Son: Hallelujah.

Ikos 10

Protecting the Christian world with a wall and protecting every soul from enemies, find and manifest Your wondrous image, “Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted”, let us glorify it, bow down to Your intercession, Mother of God, singing: Rejoice, our Redeemer. Rejoice, our teacher. Rejoice, our joy. Rejoice, our eternal joy. Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 11

Unceasing singing brings Thee deliverance and Thee, who have found joy, joyfully sing to Thy Divine Son: Hallelujah.

Ikos 11

Your icon, “Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted,” appears to us as a luminous radiant luminary in the darkness of sin, the same we rejoice, sinners, having such a wonderful icon of Yours in our temple, as a pledge of Your goodwill towards us and to the Abode of our goodwill, and hoping for Your mother of prayer and their speedy hearing, touchingly saying: Rejoice, source of joys. Rejoice, exile of sorrows. Rejoice, reduction of troubles. Rejoice, giver of all peace. Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 12

The grace from your icon, “Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted”, flowing, abundantly giving healing jets and enlivening hearts with joy, encourages everyone to sing about You, Mother, Your Son and God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

We sing of Your icon, the wondrous renewal, we sing of Your merciful condolences on us sinners, and, singing, we sing: Rejoice, taking away from death and eternal fire. Rejoice, resurrecting the dead. Rejoice, our dying hope and protection. Rejoice, our repose after death. Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 13

O All-beloved, Our All-Beloved Mother, have mercy now and have mercy on us, in the fierce and hopeless misfortunes of those who exist, to the One who saves us, and teach us to heartily sing to God who saves us: Hallelujah (Say this kontakion three times).

Ikos 1

A multitude of angels, at Your command, our Mother, oppose us menacingly for our deliverance, but accept this prayer: Rejoice, sending angels to our salvation. Rejoice, Queen of the high ranks, giving us their heavenly help. Rejoice, commanding the angels to keep us. Rejoice, defeating our enemies with the Host of Angels. Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 1

Forbid our enemies to embitter us and excommunicate us from our Lord, and teach us to sing to You cheerfully: Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.


Holy Mother of God, save us!

Mother of God, help and protection! When we demand, be Deliverance to us, suffering and perishing from fierce troubles, we trust in You and always whole-heartedly call on You to have mercy and help, have mercy and deliver us from the misfortunes of the suffering and perishing us, from the fierce nets of the evil one, incline Your ear, and our tearful , accept mournful prayers and, as if you wish, rest and rejoice us. Teach obedience to the Lord God to bring, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your nature, love your Son, the fruits of labor are worthy of bringing to Him. Die our hearts, so that in one Spirit and with all our deeds we glorify the Beginningless Father with His Only Begotten Son and with the Most Holy Good and Life-Giving Spirit, and Your merciful Maternal intercession, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen

The image of the Mother of God, called "" became famous far beyond the borders of Arzamas. It all started when, in 1997, two residents of Arzamas brought an icon to the St. Nicholas Convent, or rather, a dark board, which one of them found in her barn. Then it was difficult to say whether it was an icon at all, since it was not possible to understand what was depicted on it. Obviously, therefore, the sisters of the monastery took it to the storeroom, where icons unsuitable for the temple were kept.

Once the abbess of the monastery, Abbess George (Fedotova), sorting out the storeroom, ordered this icon to be placed in a frame, hung in the church and pray to the Most Holy Theotokos before it. And the inhabitants of the monastery began to turn to the Queen of Heaven in front of this image, asking for help in their various needs. Soon a bright spot appeared on the completely blackened board, as if with a sunbeam illuminating a small oval part of the icon - the neck of the Mother of God and the hand of the Divine Infant.

In the middle of the summer of 2000, the icon began to be intensively updated, as if someone invisible was removing blackness in thin layers: the faces of the Virgin and the Savior appeared. That's just the name of the icon to make out, it was not possible.

Once a Riga nun came to the St. Nicholas Monastery. Seeing the icon, she happily said that angels were cleaning it, and suggested that this was the image of the Mother of God, called "". Then none of the sisters betrayed this significance and they remembered these words only in the summer of 2001, when the inscription was cleared.

After the number of pilgrims coming to this icon began to increase, the monastery decided to move it to a more accessible place. The sisters who carried the icon noticed that the paint layer of the icon was practically crumbling - the image of the Most Holy Theotokos exudes from the tree itself.

Every week, except for Great Lent, an akathist is read in the monastery before the icon of the Mother of God, known as “Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted”. Many miracles have been recorded through prayers before the icon of the Mother of God, called "Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted." The monastery has a notebook where parishioners write down their stories of miraculous deliverance from illnesses and troubles. In addition, about 3000 letters come to the monastery every year with requests to pray in front of this icon.

The icon of the Mother of God, called "Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted," is kept in the St. Nicholas Convent in the city of Arzamas.

Stories of pilgrims and nuns of the St. Nicholas Convent

If the nuns of the monastery are asked by pilgrims which icon to pray for in case of family troubles, illness, housing problems, pre-judicial cases, they have one answer - in front of this image of the Mother of God. And no one leaves the icon inconsolable, unhappy, unheard. Only those requests are not fulfilled that harm the salvation of our souls. And the cases of miracles described in the book with the akathist are amazing.

According to the memoirs of nun Nadezhda, who carried obedience to the miraculous icon in the early years, then there was still no notebook with records of miracles. And she remembered an incident that happened to a war veteran who had a bullet inside his lungs. The words of his relatives are quoted that the former front-line soldier “read the akathist every day (not for the sake of healing, but for love for the Mother of God).

Two months later, the bullet came out through the resulting abscess. He took it out with his own hands." It also speaks of the miracle of the resurrection of the dead, who was hopelessly ill with cancer - unbaptized, who died and was resurrected in a Moscow hospital. Being an atheist, he rejected the request of a believing son to accept the Sacrament of Baptism.

He began to read this akathist two or three times a day. The father dies in the hospital (as the doctors testified) and - lo and behold! - comes to life again and asks, upon arrival to his son, to call a priest to perform the Sacraments of Baptism and unction over him. Later, in his revelation, he, pointing to the image of the Mother of God on the cover of the akathist “Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted,” which the son held in his hands, explained: “In this image, the Mother of God came to me and said:“ Your son weeps tearfully for your soul We bring you back to earth. When the son invites the priest and he performs all the Sacraments, we will pick you up.” It goes on to say: “I didn’t say another word. He lived in the hospital for exactly 12 hours and peacefully passed away into eternity to the Lord.”

Today, the icon "Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted" is a great shrine, which annually attracts thousands of pilgrims and not only from Russia, there were pilgrims from France, Norway and other countries. People come here from all over the world, specially stop at the Cathedral Square to go in and bow to the icon, anoint themselves with oil from its lamp, put candles and read an akathist to ask the Mother of God for deliverance from troubles and suffering, to pray for the health of their children, for deliverance from various diseases, drunkenness, about the admonition of those who left the Orthodox faith. Here you can hear numerous stories about miraculous healings, about Divine help.

The akathist is very short, it takes about 15 minutes to read, but, for those who have read the akathist at least once, it has great power. After all, how much hope the words of the Theotokos magnification give: “Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us!”

The appearance in the city of Arzamas of the icon "Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted" is like a real holy miracle, which happens less and less these days.
All this is told by me from the words of 2 wonderful women, nuns Nadezhda and Valentina, who have been welcoming pilgrims in their monastery for many years. We have been coming to wonderful Diveevo for many years, we definitely visit this monastery, and with our own eyes we see how this wonderful icon is self-renewing from year to year. We had different groups - from 7 to 40 people, and people were different, both churched, and newcomers, and those who had not yet come to God, and who perceived everything with doubt and sarcasm. But we will definitely sing the Akathist at this icon, it really takes 15 minutes, and at this time Grace comes from the icon SUCH that even the most severe skeptics kneel down.

3 years ago we arrived in a motley group, there were guys and girls from the office, giggling and grinning, there were church pilgrims, there were colleagues showing neutrality or just being interested, there were 2 Protestants and there were, by the will and help of God, 2 church choir directors. We listened to nun Valentina, put candles to the icons, handed in little notes, and then stood up for the Akathist. The nun sang first, then our choir directors joined in, and then the whole group sang.

It's been 3 years, and I can't forget the feelings that gripped me, and, according to my recollections, all those around me. Girls, guys and everyone who was there at that time knelt down and sang the Akathist as if we were rehearsing it every day. We just didn't notice the time. Many had tears in their eyes. Grace hung in the air almost palpably. My heart fluttered and was filled with extraordinary joy.

When then, after 20 minutes, we got on the bus, everyone was silent for another hour and a half. Nobody wanted to talk. It was clear that everyone was sitting and experiencing the sensations that we received from this miraculous image. Several girls and a guy (previously non-believers) said that it seemed to them that the Mother of God was smiling at them from the icon.

But I want to say that in addition to this Miraculous Icon, there are other wonderful shrines in this temple. This is the miraculous icon of the Mother of God with pennies, and the Icon-"martyr" with the image of the Mother of God, chopped by some hater right on the legs of the Christ-child and in the eyes of the Mother of God. A miracle happened, and the eyes of the Mother of God appeared above the chopped wound. All this can be seen there with your own eyes.

And finally, there is an icon heavenly patron this monastery - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Saint of Myra. There is a wonderful story associated with this image.

This icon was presented to the monastery as an icon of St. Dmitry St. Rostov, it was so dark, and those who donated it decided by the clothes that it was St. Demetrius. This large icon was hung in the temple.

And after some time, the icon began to cleanse itself, and, in the end, the nuns of the monastery eventually saw who was actually depicted on the icon. The nuns were overjoyed.

As they themselves said, they realized that the priest took them under his guardianship. Well, we, who come to this monastery, come to visit St. Nicholas.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos before the icon "Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted"

Kondak 1

Ascended And exasperate us with our enemy and excommunicate us from our Lord, and make us worthy to sing to You with joy: Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer from us.

Ikos 1

Many angels, according to you at, Mother of ours, at the command, they are menacing for our deliverance, but you accept this prayer of ours:

Rejoice, sending angels to our salvation.
Rejoice, Queen of the high ranks, giving us their heavenly help.
Rejoice, guardian of the angels And you command us.
Rejoice, defeating our enemies with the Host of Angels.

Kondak 2

Seeing those in distress, such and such help from Your heart to those calling You, instruct those to sing to Your Son unceasingly: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Many will understand that Thy Son is a gift, Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted, calling upon Thee:

Rejoice, poor mothers. Rejoice, consolation to the afflicted. Rejoice, hopeless hope. Rejoice, helpless help. Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 3

The power of the Most High gift to You to help and save the world, perishing in troubles, and whoever has been delivered by You, sings to Your Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having an incomprehensible love for the human race, you didn’t reject those tears, and you didn’t force him to call on You, blatantly:

Rejoice, quick hearing of the distressed. Rejoice, deliverance of the captives.
Rejoice, swift salvation of the perishing. Rejoice, sad and mournful consolation.
Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 4

A storm of misfortune is sweeping over us. Save us, the perishing, save, Deliverance from the misfortunes of the suffering, the storm of ruin on earth, taming and accepting our song: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing mankind, give birth to all Your wondrous love for Christians and Your powerful deliverance from all those who are fierce on them, having learned to sing to You:

Rejoice, deliverance from troubles of the human race. Rejoice, persecutor of despondency. Rejoice, cessation of the storms of life. Rejoice, giver of joy in sorrow to us. Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 5

divine star under about beating, dispelling darkness and darkness in sin-loving hearts, so that in the light of Your love they will see the Lord and cry out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the people of Russia Your unexpected deliverance from various troubles, they joyfully sing to the song:
Rejoice, in our misfortunes Otyatelnitsa. Rejoice, driving away our sorrows.
Rejoice, in sorrow is our consolation. Rejoice, in joy is our abstinence.
Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 6

Preach Your help and Your love, Mati, all those healed, comforted, justified and saved by You from troubles and sing to Your Sovereign Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Ascend to us the light of salvation in the darkness of perdition that surrounds us, and instructed us to sing to You:
Rejoice, dispersing the darkness of sin. Rejoice, destroyer of sinful darkness.
Rejoice, enlightening darkness of my soul. Rejoice, encouraging my soul with the light of joy.
Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 7

Those who want us to end in despair, surrender from everywhere to the misfortunes that lie ahead, think about You, Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted, and encourage And homsya, and ut e we laugh, singing to your Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new and unexpected show of Thy mercy to us, taking us under the Sovereign hand of Thy, and from here we cry out to Thee:

Rejoice, Sovereign Queen. Rejoice, having taken us under Your Power.
Rejoice, granting us Thy protection. Rejoice, defeat of our enemies.
Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 8

A strange miracle - doomed to death, in need but x languishing, countless out but pu salvation and deliverance receive from You, the All-loving Mother, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All who are in the darkness of sorrows, all overwhelmed by a storm of misfortunes, come to a good haven and our help - the cover of the Virgin, Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted, crying out to Her: Rejoice, delivering us from hunger. Rejoice, you who drive away harmful nature from the plant world. Rejoice, crops, and forests, and saving everything that grows from perdition.
Rejoice, consolation and blessed joy to the grieve farmers.
Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 9

The whole human being praises Thee, everyone sings to Thee, bringing many different deliverance to him and instead of sorrows, giving joy to those who sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vitii and polymath are insane, seeing Your quick, miraculous deliverance from the misfortunes of the suffering and silenced us, singing Ty:
Rejoice, having strengthened us with miracles. Rejoice, you who destroyed troubles by miracles.
Rejoice, thou who didst enlighten us with miracles. Rejoice, having rejoiced us with Thy icon.
Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 10

Save every human soul with love, care for it, until you teach me to sing to Your Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Protecting the Christian world with a wall and protecting every soul from enemies, find and manifest Your wondrous image, “Deliverance from the misfortunes of the afflicted”, let us glorify it, bow down and become a flock to Your intercession, Mother of God, singing:
Rejoice, our Redeemer. Rejoice, our teacher. Rejoice, our joy.
Rejoice, our eternal joy. Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 11

Unceasing singing brings Thee deliverance and Thee, who have found joy, joyfully sing to Thy Divine Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Your icon, “Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted,” appears to us as a luminous radiant luminary in the darkness of sin, the same we rejoice, sinners, having such a wonderful icon of Yours in our temple, as a pledge of Your goodwill towards us and to the Abode of our goodwill, and hoping for Your mother of prayer and their soon hearing, touchingly verb:

Rejoice, source of joy. Rejoice, exile of sorrows.
Rejoice, reduction of troubles. Rejoice, giver of all peace.
Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 12

The grace from Your icon, “Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted”, flowing, abundantly giving healing jets and enlivening hearts with joy, encourages everyone to sing about You, Mother, Your Son and God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

We sing of Your icon, a wondrous renewal, we sing of Your merciful on us, sinners, charity and, singing, we sing:
Rejoice, taking away from death and eternal fire. Rejoice, resurrecting the dead.
Rejoice, our dying hope and protection. Rejoice, our repose after death.
Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, death and misfortunes of those who suffer us.

Kondak 13

Oh, All-beloved, our All-Beloved Mother, have mercy now and have mercy on us, in the fierce and hopeless misfortunes of those who exist, to the One who saves us, and teach us to heartily sing to God who saves us: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
This kontakion is said three times, and paki Ikos 1, Kontakion 1.


Oh, Mother of God, our help and intercession! Whenever needed at Eat, be Deliverance to us, suffering and dying from cruel troubles, we trust in You and always whole-heartedly call on You to have mercy and help, have mercy and deliver us from the misfortunes of the suffering and perishing us, from the fierce nets of the evil one, incline Your ear, and our tearful prayers accept, and, as you wish, rest and rejoice us. Teach obedience to the Lord God to bring, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your nature, love your Son, the fruits of labor are worthy of bringing to Him. Die our hearts, so that in one Spirit and with all our deeds we glorify the Beginningless Father with His Only Begotten Son and with the Most Holy Good and Life-Giving Spirit, and Your merciful Maternal intercession, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen

Troparion, tone 4

Like a most luminous star, praying Divine miracles to Your holy image, illuminating Your rays of grace and mercy in the night of sorrows. Grant us also, All-good Virgin, Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted, healing of mental and bodily ailments, salvation and great mercy.

Kontakion, tone 8

To Your icon, Most Holy Lady, the distressed with faith flow, by Your intercession they are delivered from the evil, but as the Mother of Christ God and free us from cruel circumstances, temporary and eternal, let us call Thee: Rejoice, Deliverance of the suffering from all troubles.


We magnify Thee, Blessed Virgin, God-chosen Maiden, and honor Your Holy Image, and bring healing to all who flow with faith.

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