Home / Walls / Seraphim name. The meaning of the name - Seraphim Day of the angel seraphim according to the church calendar

Seraphim name. The meaning of the name - Seraphim Day of the angel seraphim according to the church calendar

It is known that the name bestows part of its energy on its owner. It can give both good and bad character traits. To find out what qualities the name Seraphim gives its owner, you need to do a little research: determine the origin, find related names, spell the name and find out esoteric correspondences.


The name Seraphim is of religious Hebrew origin. It comes from the male form of the name Seraphim (שְׂרָפִים), meaning the angels closest to God. It is noteworthy that the very word “saraf” (‏‎שָׂרָף), which is a singular form of “seraphim”, means “fiery serpent”, “dragon”, “fiery lightning”.

In Christianity and Judaism, seraphim are six-winged angels, carriers of the highest angelic rank; angels directly surrounding God.

Iconographically, Seraphim was depicted as a six-winged angel

Seraphim stood around Him; each of them had six wings: with two each one covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.

And they called to each other and said: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts! the whole earth is full of His glory!

Is. 6:2–3

Name Forms

Seraphim's name is often abbreviated like this:

  • Sima;
  • Fima;
  • Fifi;
  • Rafi;
  • Simma.

Seraphim is affectionately addressed as follows:

  • Seraphimushka;
  • Serafimochka;
  • Fimochka;
  • Fimushka;
  • Simochka;
  • Simushka.

related names

The related name for Seraphim is the Latin male name Seraphim (from which, in fact, the female form originated).

Table: Seraphim's name in other languages

church name

Seraphim is in the Orthodox calendar, therefore, at baptism, the name remains the same. Seraphim celebrates his birthday on August 11 (July 29).

Photo gallery: patron saints Seraphim

Seraphim of Vyritsky, Venerable Hieroschemamonk, prophet and miracle worker Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church as a saint

Matching patronymics

Middle names are beautifully combined with the name Seraphim:

  • Borisovna;
  • Fedorovna;
  • Rafaelevna;
  • Sergeevna.


To apply for a passport, receive a bank card, or when ordering goods from abroad, you must correctly enter your name in Latin. According to the latest transliteration rules adopted in the world, the name of Seraphim is written in Latin like this - SERAFIMA.

Name and character

Modern science is actively working on unraveling interesting phenomena. One of these phenomena can be called the influence of a name on a person. People have always noted that the name that is given to a person at birth partially determines his character. Scientists could not stay aside for a long time, and now such sciences as onomastics and anthroponymy are engaged in solving this riddle - they study the origin and meaning of proper names.

These disciplines put forward hypotheses and theories that would explain the impact of a name on a person. Among them, those that are somehow connected with the construction of associative series predominate. The human brain is arranged in such a way that we try to classify any new and unfamiliar concept through images already known to us. Therefore, hearing the name of a stranger, we involuntarily associate it with concepts similar in sound to this name.

The name Seraphim is associated by most people with something angelic, heavenly, pure. Associations with Christianity are possible: some people, having heard the name of Seraphim, imagine a pious modest woman. Such associative series can affect not only the opinion of others about a girl, but also her character - one way or another, the pressure of society forms our personalities.

Seraphim supporting the throne of God (engraving from the National Library of France)

Seraphim as a child

Seraphim manifests himself as an inquisitive, kind and affectionate child. Parents and relatives cannot get enough of her, and in kindergarten and school, the girl is often set as an example to other children. She is diligent, so she quickly becomes a housekeeper and masters the science of home economics.

At school, Seraphim often has a hard time. In addition to natural kindness and honesty, she is distinguished by her inability to stand up for herself. She is often targeted and teased by the entire class. At the same time, the girl can sincerely believe that she was guilty of something, although this is not so. Seraphim will be teased, no matter how perfect she is. However, she can boast of a calm attitude towards childish cruelty, because she does not hold a grudge against offenders, does not seek revenge or offend in return.

At school, Serafima shows diligence and diligence, which help her achieve high grades.

Due to her natural modesty, Seraphim may not show abilities for a long time. Parents need to carefully and sensitively monitor the manifestations of her talents and support Seraphim in their development.


Seraphim is not distinguished by good health. She often gets sick both in childhood and as an adult. She has a weak nervous system, she can often lose consciousness. Seraphim, as a rule, grows thin and gains weight with difficulty.

As a child, Seraphim often gets sick, as she has a weak immune system.

Seraphim often forgets about herself and her health, so she should eat regularly, and also go to the doctor if she is unwell. She often postpones a visit to the doctor at the latest, when the disease is already preventing her from living.

Talents and abilities

Seraphim is often endowed with musical talent. The girl's parents should instill in her a love of music from early childhood: send her to a music school, let her listen to good compositions, organize trips to the philharmonic society and to concerts of popular groups.

Young Seraphim should be sent to a music school, where she will certainly show her talent

In the sciences, Seraphim is not strong, but she has sufficient diligence to master any discipline at a decent level. She is more inclined towards the humanities, but with a certain diligence and motivation, she can achieve success in both exact and natural fields.

Seraphim is suitable for any profession that requires diligence and accuracy. She is capable of monotonous work, attentive to detail and able to notice tiny mistakes that no one else would notice. Seraphim can find himself in the following areas:

  • jurisprudence;
  • tax business;
  • accounting.

Seraphim has a penchant for paperwork that requires attention

Seraphim has the ability to clairvoyance and divination. She can become an excellent seer, fortune teller, healer.

Good psychic abilities help Seraphim to foresee the future

Love and marriage

Serafima, being a gentle and affectionate girl, easily gathers an army of admirers and admirers around her. Among men there are few who do not think about marriage with Seraphim. However, she should be careful: many of these gentlemen may turn out to be room tyrants who are simply looking for domestic servants.

Seraphim will get along well with a romantic, poetic young man. Her heart melts when someone talentedly sings of her beauty, kindness and tenderness. An ambitious young man with revolutionary views who dreams of globally rebuilding the world will suit her. Serafima will gladly share his views and supplement them with her knowledge.

One of Seraphim's favorite types of men is young men who look like Mayakovsky: revolutionary, but with a good artistic taste.

Seraphim is romantic and believes in that love that sweeps away all barriers. If she has doubts about the feelings of a young man, she can be very upset. If in the coming days she does not see confirmation of his strong feelings, she may be disappointed and break off relations. Seraphim rarely listens to explanations and often does hasty and frankly stupid things - as a result, she can ruin even very strong relationships due to a misunderstanding.

Table: compatibility with other names

AlexanderAlexander can hardly be called a suitable couple for Seraphim: this young man is too often in the clouds, which can irritate Seraphim, who regards such behavior as idleness and laziness.
AlexeySeraphim will like the young man: he will attract her attention with a sincere attitude and an interesting life position. A strong friendship is possible, but the spark of love is unlikely to ignite between this couple.
AndreyAndrei will conquer Seraphim with his ability to beautifully describe everyday things, subtle artistic perception and sincere affection for the girl. If Seraphim can attract Andrei's attention, then a strong marriage is possible, or at least a long romantic relationship.
BorisBoris will surely attract the attention of Seraphim - an unusual view of the world, an extraordinary taste and sociability will quickly please the girl, but the romance is unlikely: Seraphim is unlikely to be able to interest a young man.
VladislavSeraphim will not like Vladislav's gloominess and severity, but friendship is possible with a closer acquaintance. Love relationships are incredible.
DmitrySociability and external activity of Dmitry may at first repel Seraphim, but if the girl gets used to the fact that the young man is always surrounded by a crowd of friends, then strong relationships are possible that develop into love and tender affection.
EugeneEugene is the perfect match for Seraphim. An idealist and faithful follower of the chosen idea, he will attract the attention of the Seraphim with his determination and sacrifice, his willingness to give everything for achieving his cherished goal, whether it is peace on earth or the protection of nature. In turn, Eugene will be enchanted by the devotion and tenderness of Seraphim - it was precisely such a girlfriend that he had dreamed of all his life.
KirillCyril and Seraphim are not destined to meet: both are too closed to approach first. If they accidentally find themselves in the same company, none of them will dare to continue their acquaintance.
SergeiSergey's windiness may repel Seraphim, but if the young man becomes interested in her, then a short romance is possible. After the breakup, the couple will most likely remain good friends.
FedorThe serious and stern Fyodor is unlikely to interest Seraphim: she is looking for a young man capable of tenderness, but Fyodor shows his love in a different way - by household care, providing for the family and planning a life together. Seraphim does not like this arrangement.
JanYang may at first lure Seraphim with a beautiful appearance and words, but the girl will quickly see through his insincerity and break off the emerging relationship.

Letter-by-letter parsing

Semantic-phonetic analysis of the name (or letter-by-letter analysis) was proposed by the Russian astrologer Felix Kazimirovich Velichko. If each letter, being an esoteric symbol, has its own energy, then combinations of letters form a special, integral energy of the name. Letter-by-letter analysis allows you to penetrate deeper into the mystery of the word, including the human name, and understand its strengths and weaknesses.

It can be concluded that Seraphim is a girl with talents and a desire to help people, but she is shy and shy. These qualities prevent her from showing her full strength in order to demonstrate her skills to others, help them and be a useful member of society. She is purposeful and reasonable, but her plans are often ruined due to natural shyness.

Table: horoscope named after Seraphim

Each sign of the zodiac gives Seraphim certain character traits.


The seasons that replace each other also have their own energy - some character traits are enhanced, others are suppressed:

  • summer Seraphim is distinguished by natural charm and sociability. This girl is often surrounded by a crowd of friends and acquaintances, she likes to make new acquaintances and feels comfortable in big companies. Honest with herself and with other people, often makes best friends in childhood or adolescence and does not part with them until old age;
  • autumn Seraphim is distinguished by dreaminess and immersion in dreams. She is unsociable, but easily converges with the same dreamers;
  • winter Seraphim is focused on self-development. She strives to achieve success in the chosen areas and achieves her goal - thanks to diligence and hard work;
  • spring Seraphim often dreams and builds castles in the air, but, as a rule, she is shy about voicing her dreams. She is sociable, but not distinguished by sincerity: she behaves as politely as possible with other people, even if they annoy her.

Table: esoteric correspondences

Photo gallery: famous bearers of the name

Serafima Shnurova, daughter of the soloist of the Leningrad group Sergei Shnurov (Shnura) Soviet theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR Serafima Fomina Serafima Nizovskaya, Russian film actress Serafima Sakhanovich, Russian figure skater Serafima Zolotareva, host of an esoteric show, fortune teller, clairvoyant

Seraphim is a girl with well-developed talents and abilities, which she carefully hides. She is smart and charismatic, but avoids other people's attention. She needs to expand the boundaries of her little world in order to fully realize herself as a person.

Calendar, when, according to the church calendar, the name day of Seraphim

Saints with the name Seraphim are revered 3 times.

  • August 11 - Seraphim of Rome, martyr, virgin;
  • September 15 - Seraphim Sulimova, venerable martyr, abbess;
  • November 19 - Seraphim Gorshkova, venerable martyr, nun.

Characteristics of the birthday girl Seraphim:

From the Hebrew language - "fiery, fiery." At present, this wonderful name has become of little use, which is a pity, because Seraphim is a real lucky woman. She, as a rule, has a loving husband and a strong family, and her children delight with their successes. It is very important for the Seraphim to have a strong rear. At the same time, she is always ready for changes and meets them with joy.

The peculiarity of Seraphim is the ability to devote herself to her favorite work without a trace, whether it be needlework, sports, reading or some other hobby. Seraphim, who is engaged in business, usually achieves success already in the first months of work: she is helped by endurance, tact, a developed sense of duty, and the ability to get out of the most complicated situations with honor.

Congratulations on the name day of Seraphim:

Do not forget to celebrate the name day of Seraphim and congratulate Seraphim on the day of the angel.

I heartily congratulate you

Happy Angel Day, Seraphim!

And today I wish you

Keep your destiny!

Let your life flow calmly

Measured and dignified

So that your family loves you

And flowers were given every day!

Always be under the wing of Cherubim,

I sincerely wish you, Seraphim,

May he hide from all troubles,

Serafima is not fashionable today, but a very interesting name. It is in the full sense of the word angelic, one might say, on a par with Cherubim, and gives a person a wonderful character. This name has a very glorious energy that has a beneficial effect on the fate of its owner. Sima has many chances to match this auspicious name. Seraphim are kind, affectionate people, they never raise their voices, unable to cause harm. It is no coincidence that those around them affectionately call them: Simochka.

In appearance, they are similar to their fathers, as a rule, they are not tall, plump, which does not prevent them from being very mobile in their youth. As a rule, Seraphim from childhood is distinguished by cheerful optimism. They are kind and responsive, always ready to help friends, very sociable, with a developed sense of humor. Communication with Seraphim is easy and pleasant. There are always many friends and acquaintances next to her. Only hypersensitivity often makes her touchy. But grievances do not linger long in Seraphim's soul and quickly give way to the usual optimism and good nature. Serafima is also very dreamy - dreams of a happy future instantly help her regain peace of mind.

Fate: A feature of the Seraphim is the ability to devote herself without a trace to her beloved work. She is very stubborn and assiduous, incapable of a violent manifestation of feelings and does not expect this from others.

Angel Seraphim Day

The name Seraphim is the feminine version of the male name Seraphim. As you know, the Seraphim were the angels that make up God's heavenly army (together with the cherubim), creatures with six wings, the movement of which led to sacred horror. The Holy Martyr, Virgin Seraphim of Rome was a nun in one of the many medieval women's monasteries. She became famous for her exceptional piety and righteousness, as well as for the fact that she could heal the inhabitants of the surrounding villages with her pious prayer. Many people turned to her for help, and Saint Seraphim spent her days caring for her neighbors.

As a rule, since childhood, Simu has been distinguished by mobility and cheerful optimism, and even with age, a gloomy mood is uncharacteristic for her. She is kind and sympathetic, always ready to help, but often her hypersensitivity makes her rather touchy. However, insults do not linger in Seraphim's soul for a long time and quickly pass, giving way to the usual optimism and good nature.

She is very sociable and has a good sense of humor, which makes it easy to communicate with her. It is not surprising if there will be many friends and acquaintances next to Seraphim. In family life, she also does not expect any special difficulties, in most cases her girlish amorousness in marriage gives way to deeper and more mature feelings, and Sima's sincerity, kindness and quick appeasement do not allow the usual misunderstandings in the family to turn into a reason for divorce.

Seraphim's daydreaming should be noted - it happens that dreams of some kind of bright future help her quickly regain her peace of mind. The only pity is that Seraphim lacks some perseverance to realize her dreams in real life - oddly enough, her inherent optimism and lightness interfere. This is especially true for career success and thoughts about their financial independence, here she can not do without cultivating perseverance and determination in herself.

Seraphim are great workers, excellent cooks and caring mothers. It is extremely rare that they remarry, primarily because of the children, fearing that the stepfather, no matter how good he turns out, will still bring dissonance into their cozy family world. At the same time, the Seraphim are unusually trusting and therefore often turn out to be deceived, not too happy in marriage.

Seraphim Name day according to the Church Calendar

  • August 11 - Seraphim of Rome, mts., virgin
  • September 15 - Seraphim (Sulimova), promts., abbess / novomuch. /
  • November 19 - Seraphim (Gorshkova), promts., nun / novomuch. /

The meaning of the name Seraphim

Seraphim is the feminine form of the male name Seraphim. It comes from the Hebrew word "saraf" and is translated as "flaming", "fiery".

Name days, days of the Angel at the Seraphim

Rev. Seraphim of Sarov (1754–1833)

One of the most famous saints not only in Russia but throughout the world was born in Kursk into a merchant family. Before becoming a monk, his name was Prokhor Moshnin, and already in childhood he was a special child. The life of the monk tells about several amazing cases. The most famous is the story of how, while still a teenager, Prokhor remained alive and unharmed after falling from a high temple bell tower. There is another widely known story. Once Prokhor fell seriously ill. Forgetting himself in a heavy sleep, he saw the Mother of God, who promised him a speedy recovery. And so it happened. During the procession, the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "The Sign" was carried past his house. The mother brought her son to the procession and attached him to the icon. He soon went on the mend. Subsequently, the Theotokos continued to visit the reverend in the most difficult moments of his life.

When Prokhor was 22 years old, he went to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Wanting to devote himself to God, he hoped to receive advice in the monastery on how to arrange his life further. In the Lavra, the young man met with a venerable schemamonk, who blessed him for monastic tonsure and sent him to the Sarov Hermitage (Tambov province). Thus began his spiritual path, on which Prokhor Moshnin was to become the Monk Seraphim of Sarov.

Prokhor spent eight years in the monastery as a simple novice and only then took monastic vows (receiving the name Seraphim). After that, the future saint asked for a blessing to retire to a desert cell a few kilometers from the monastery in a dense and deserted forest.

Here, imitating the ancient "athletes of the spirit" - the greatest Christian righteous of the desert - Seraphim began to lead the strictest ascetic life: in winter and summer he wore the same clothes, he himself earned his livelihood in the forest, constantly read the Holy Scriptures. The monk subsequently started an apiary not far from the cell and planted a small vegetable garden.

Once an ascetic undertook the feat of being pillars for a thousand days. In the forest, he found a granite boulder, on which he knelt every night and incessantly prayed the publican's prayer from the gospel parable: "God, be merciful to me a sinner."

During his forest hermitage, one of the most famous stories from his life took place - robbers attacked the saint. They severely beat the monk and thought to make money in his cell with "church riches." Finding nothing, they fled the scene. The Monk Seraphim, bleeding, barely made it to the Sarov Monastery and miraculously survived. When the criminals were found, the saint personally interceded for their pardon.

At the end of his life, the righteous man decided to leave the seclusion, for the sake of many people who began to come to him from all over the Russian Empire: they asked for his help, prayers and advice. Father Seraphim received everyone without exception. He met everyone with his special greeting, which became a symbol of his life: "Christ is risen, my joy."

Many of the instructions of St. Seraphim have come down to us thanks to his conversation with the landowner Nikolai Motovilov, who was the spiritual child of the saint. The words of the Monk Nikolai Alexandrovich subsequently wrote down, and the transcript of this amazing conversation has come down to our days.

The saint's heart stopped on January 14, 1833. The last words of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov were: "Be saved, do not lose heart, stay awake, today crowns are being prepared for us."

Famous people and saints named Seraphim

Other famous saints named Seraphim

Martyr Seraphim (Sulimova)

Holy Virgin Martyr Seraphim of Rome(early II century) was born in Antioch in a family of secret Christians. Once in Rome, the saint lived in the house of Savina, a noble townswoman, whom she converted to Christianity. When another wave of persecutions against Christians began, Seraphim was captured and brought to trial. Savina followed her. The judge, seeing the noble lady, at first even decided to drop all charges against the saint, but soon again ordered her to be brought to him. He persuaded her to renounce Christ, but in response he received a categorical refusal. According to legend, during the torture of Seraphim, the executioners suddenly fell lifeless. Only by the prayers of the martyr, they were able to rise, being completely unharmed. The unbroken Seraphim was executed. Savina reverently buried her body.

Martyr Seraphim (Sulimova)(1859–1918) - Abbess of the Ferapontov Monastery (Vologda Region). Already at the age of 17 she began to live a monastic life. Having taken tonsure, the saint in 1905 headed the monastery. Seraphim paid special attention to children's education. In particular, under her leadership, a women's parochial school was built. In addition, the abbess did a lot of charity work. In 1918, she was arrested due to a conflict with the commission, which came to the monastery for an inventory and subsequent seizure of monastery valuables. On September 15, without trial or investigation, she was shot. In 2000, she was canonized as a saint.

Martyr Seraphim (Gorshkova)(1893–1937; in the world Anna) made an early decision to follow the path of monasticism. After the events of 1917, she had to wander for a long time until she became a resident of the Resurrection Novodevichy Convent (St. Petersburg). In 1932, the nun Serafima was arrested and sentenced to three years of exile in Kazakhstan. Here the saint helped the exiled clergy and did not leave the place of exile even after the term of punishment had ended. In 1937, she was arrested a second time "for counter-revolutionary activities." Shot on September 10th.

Great and famous people with the name Seraphim:

Serafima Birman(1890–1976) - famous Soviet theater and film actress. She graduated from the Drama School of A. I. Adashev and was accepted into the troupe of the famous Moscow Art Theater. In the thirties, she staged the play "Vassa Zheleznova" and played the main role in it. The pinnacle of the creative career of Seraphim Birman was the role of Efrosinya Staritskaya in Sergei Eisenstein's grandiose film "Ivan the Terrible". For her work in the film, she won the Stalin Prize of the first degree in 1946. She died on May 11 and was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Serafima Birman in Friends, 1938

Serafima Amosova(1914–1992) - famous Soviet pilot, participant in the Great Patriotic War. A native of Krasnoyarsk, while still very young, she had a burning desire to become a pilot and soon entered a glider school. Having graduated with honors, she became a pilot of the Civil Air Fleet. When the Great Patriotic War began, Serafima filed a report three times about being sent to the front, until, finally, she was accepted into the women's air group, which was formed in the city of Engels by Hero of the Soviet Union Marina Raskova. For the entire period of hostilities, S. Amosova made more than 500 sorties, being the deputy commander of the women's aviation regiment of night bombers, better known as the "Night Witches". After the war, Serafima Amosova married a military pilot and raised three sons with him.

Abbess Seraphim (Black)(1914–1999) - Soviet chemist, abbess of the Novodevichy Convent. In the world, Varvara Vasilievna graduated from the Moscow Petrochemical College. Subsequently, she became a doctor of technical sciences. Working at the Rubber Industry Research Institute, she participated in the development of space suits. In 1994, she took monastic vows with the name Seraphim and was appointed abbess of the Novodevichy Convent. The abbess revived the monastic choir, actively engaged in the restoration of the interior decoration of churches on the territory of the monastery.

After the Bolsheviks came to power in Russia, the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov were opened, confiscated and taken out of the Sarov Monastery in an unknown direction. In 1991, they were accidentally found in the storerooms of the Museum of Atheism and Religion, which was then in the building of the Kazan Cathedral (St. Petersburg).

Since the city of Sarov is the center of the military nuclear industry, Seraphim of Sarov is considered the patron saint of nuclear scientists.

Museum of Nuclear Weapons. Sarov. Photo by Vladimir Eshtokin

Seraphim, according to Jewish and Christian tradition, is the highest angelic rank, closest to God. They are first mentioned in Isaiah (Isaiah). 6 :2–3). Saint Seraphim was tonsured in honor of this angelic rank. There are cases when a person was baptized or tonsured with the name Cherubim (also an angelic rank).

In 2015, a cartoon was released in Russian distribution, which tells about the miraculous help of St. Seraphim of Sarov to the daughter of a priest named Seraphim in the 40s of the last century.

Seraphim name for a girl

In Christianity, there is a tradition to form female names from male ones. For example: John - John, Eugene - Eugene, Seraphim - Seraphim.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: "Fiery, fiery" (biblical)

Name energy and character: Seraphim is a very interesting name. First, it is angelic in the full sense of the word, so to speak, on the same level as the Cherubim. Secondly, unlike the Cherubim, the "angelic" Seraphim is not so noticeable, and therefore, does not an eyesore and deprives the name of excessive pretentiousness. Thirdly, the name has a very peculiar energy, which, in general, is the most interesting.

It is easy to see that in its sound, the name of Seraphim begins on some kind of rise, and ends with a much calmer exhalation, as if a person breathed a sigh of relief. Thus, a certain contrast is created in the energy - tension at the beginning makes Seraphim a rather sensitive person, and relief at the end gives spiritual tension a calm and safe outlet. All this can have a very beneficial effect on her fate, and although positive energy is not a character yet, Seraphim has many chances to live up to her extraordinary name.

As a rule, since childhood, Simu has been distinguished by mobility and cheerful optimism, and even with age, a gloomy mood is uncharacteristic for her. She is kind and sympathetic, always ready to help, but often her hypersensitivity makes her rather touchy. However, insults do not linger in Seraphim's soul for a long time and quickly pass, giving way to the usual optimism and good nature. She is very sociable and has a good sense of humor, which makes it easy to communicate with her. It is not surprising if there are many friends and acquaintances next to her. Seraphim’s family life is also not expected to have any particular difficulties, in most cases her girlish amorousness in marriage gives way to deeper and more mature feelings, and Sima’s sincerity, kindness and quick appeasement do not allow misunderstandings common in the family to turn into a reason for divorce.

Seraphim's daydreaming should also be noted - it happens that dreams of some kind of bright future help her quickly regain her peace of mind. The only pity is that Seraphim lacks some perseverance to realize her dreams in real life - oddly enough, her inherent optimism and lightness interfere. This is especially true for career success and thoughts about their financial independence, here she can not do without cultivating perseverance and determination in herself.

Secrets of communication: Seraphim is not so difficult to hurt to the quick, and although resentment does not live in her soul for long, this does not mean that she will return her favor to the offender - if the offense is deep, she may simply stop communicating with this person. Another thing is that thoughts of any kind of revenge are alien to her. In people, Seraphim values ​​sincerity, honesty and constancy most of all.

The trace of a name in history:

The legend of the seraphim

"Each of them has six wings; with two each one covered his face, and with two he covered his legs, and with two he flew" - this is how the Old Testament prophet Isaiah describes seraphim - angels who are especially close to God.

Interestingly, at the beginning of the 6th century, Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite compiled a clear table of all angelic ranks, apparently based on the consideration that if everything is “on earth, as in heaven,” then the heavenly spheres should have their own hierarchy. So, according to this learned theologian, the so-called first triad is closest to God: seraphim, cherubim and thrones, the second triad consists of dominance, strength and power, while the third, located in close proximity to man, is the beginnings, archangels and angels.

Returning to the seraphim, they, according to the "Book of Enoch", are in the sixth heaven, under the authority of the archangel Gabriel himself. It is interesting that this angelic rank, which gave rise to such sonorous and meek names as Seraphim and Seraphim, in fact, always seemed formidable and frightening. Indeed, one of the most common plots of Christian icon painting is the seraphim, who, touching the lips of the prophet with burning coal taken directly from the altar, cleanses them, thereby preparing him for service. This is not surprising, because the prototype of the seraphim was none other than the ancient Babylonian six-winged demon, holding a snake in each hand. Inspired by these legends, A. S. Pushkin wrote the poem "Prophet", which well reflected Christian ideas about the experience of human communication with formidable, light-emitting seraphim, not at all like rosy-cheeked baby angels:

"... And the six-winged seraph

At a crossroads, he appeared to me ...

And he clung to my lips,

And tore out my sinful tongue,

And idle-talking, and crafty,

And the sting of the wise snake

My mouth is open

He invested it with a bloody right hand."

By Higiru

Feminine form of the male name Seraphim. The Hebrew word "seraphim" means: lights, lights, fiery angels (Seraphim - fiery).

Serafima, Sima is not a fashionable name today. Meanwhile, it gives a person a wonderful character. These are affectionate, kind people, unable to hurt another, never raising their voices. It is no coincidence that those around them call them only affectionately: Simochka.

Outwardly, they look like their fathers, but, as a rule, they are short and overweight, which does not prevent them from being very mobile in their youth.

Seraphim are great workers, excellent cooks and very caring mothers. It is extremely rare that they remarry, primarily because of the children, fearing that the stepfather, no matter how good he may seem, will still bring dissonance into their cozy family world. At the same time, the Seraphim are unusually trusting and therefore often turn out to be deceived, not too happy in marriage.

When choosing Seraphim as a wife, one should remember that she must be treated with care, like a child, because she has a fragile heart.

In her old age, Seraphim often has problems with the pancreas and thyroid glands.

1. Personality: those who discover the secrets of life

2. Color: green

3. Main features: excitability - susceptibility - sociability - intuition

4. Totem plant: maple

5 Spirit Animal: Trout

6. Sign: fish

7. Type. Neurasthenic choleric with unstable nervous system. Easily disappointed, any failure drives them to despair. Parents should not indulge their whims, but teach them to control their emotions.

8. Psyche. They are certainly charming, these are “women-children” who want to be protected and protected. If life becomes too difficult for their receptive nature, they withdraw into themselves. From childhood, they must be taught to keep their word and not retreat in the face of danger.

9. Will. Very changeable.

10. Excitability. More than strong.

11. Speed ​​of reaction. These are women of unpredictable lightning-fast reactions, like their totem - trout.

12. Field of activity. They are not very active. They are interested in medicine (pediatrics, gynecology) and preschool education. These are excellent mothers, gentle and devoted wives.

13. Intuition. Giving too much importance to intuition. They live in a mysterious world of "signs" and forebodings.

14. Intelligence. Intellectuals, but they act so swiftly that they often make huge mistakes. They have a weak memory, they forget about everything in the world - from the umbrella to the husband!

15. Susceptibility. Very responsive, but somewhat careless. In their attentive eyes one can read great love, tenderness and desire for a calm, problem-free life.

16. Morality. Strict prohibitions are contraindicated for such a character, they can only bring harm, these women first of all need love and tenderness.

17. Health. Not very strong, depends on the mental state. They are prone to diseases of the intestines and genital organs.

18. Sexuality. The very word scares them! They do not know and do not want to understand their desires, therefore they often deal with partners who are far from ideal. But do they themselves know what their ideal is and what they want from life?

19. Activity. It consists of dreams, unjustified enthusiasm, extravagant aspirations. Put off until tomorrow what you can and should do today.

20. Sociability. They need love and cannot stand being alone. They are highly influenced and adapt their lifestyle to those they love. Very attached to family and friends.

21. Conclusion. These are charming and attractive women. Very volatile, and therefore it is quite difficult to understand them.